Team Pulse user guide for managers

Table of contents

1. Introduction

          1.1. How does it work

          1.2. User actions

2. Add questions

3. Manage questions

4. Weekly pulse

          4.1. Submit review

          4.2. View and download responses

          4.3. Initiate conversation

5. Inbox

6. Reports

          6.1. View response and review rate

          6.2. Nudge

          6.3. Question-level reports

          6.4. Summarize responses using Marissa AI

1. Introduction

Team Pulse, a powerful listening tool, utilizes a series of thought-provoking questions to help managers and leaders gather real-time feedback and gain a better understanding of their employees. Team Pulse helps managers proactively identify problems, foster regular interactions, and provide insights into team sentiments, enabling informed decision-making.

1.1. How does it work

  1. You receive a notification when the admin assigns a team pulse.
  2. You can add questions, if the admin has given permission.
  3. Your teams' responses to the questions.
  4. You receive in-app, pending actions, and email notifications to review your teams' responses.
  5. Your team can initiate conversation if they want to discuss your review.
  6. You can add comments to the conversation.

1.2. User actions

You can perform the following actions in Team Pulse:

  • Add questions for your team
  • Review Team Pulse responses
  • Initiate a conversation
  • Add participants to the conversation
  • View and download teams’ responses
  • View reports
  • Nudge employees

Once the admin launches team pulse, you can add questions specific to your team if the admin allows you to add questions.

Once your team submits their responses every week, on the manager review start day and time, you receive in-app and email notifications and pending actions on the home page. Learn more in Notifications in Team Pulse.

2. Add questions

Managers can add questions to team pulse only if the admin has allowed them to do it. Admins can allow managers to add questions for their direct reports, secondary team, and/or the entire team. When the admins assign Team Pulse, you can add the questions before the start date of it.

Note: If you add the questions after the start date of team pulse, the employees receive them from the upcoming pulse cycles.

You can add the questions in two ways, as required:

  • Add questions from the question library
  • Create questions

Learn more in Add questions in team pulse.

3. Manage questions

After the admins assign team pulse, you can manage the questions if you have added questions to it. You can manage questions by editing and deleting them as required.

Note: You cannot edit or delete the questions created by the admin.

Navigate to Team Pulse > Manage Questions.

Hover over the question and click the Overflow menu1 Menu to edit, pause, and delete a question.

Note: The edited question will reflect in the upcoming pulse. The paused and deleted questions will not reflect in the upcoming pulse.

Learn more in Manage questions in team pulse.

4. Weekly pulse

In the Weekly Pulse tab, you can view your team members responses based on the respondents and questions, submit your review for their responses, view and download their responses, and initiate a conversation on their responses.

You can select the period to view the responses.

Navigate to Team Pulse > Weekly Pulse.

In the Period drop-down, select the week.

You can filter the responses based on the team and respondents, or questions.

In the View By drop-down, select Respondents or Questions as required.

On the left pane, click the Filter Master Component-1-1 Icon to filter your team members based on their team pulse submission status.

4.1. Submit review

After your team submits their response, you receive notifications to review their response on the manager's review start date. You have to submit your review before the review end date. You can review the responses of your direct reports, the secondary team, and the entire team. Learn more in Review team pulse responses.

4.2. View and download teams pulse responses

Your teams’ responses enable you to gain valuable insights and help identify trends in their responses and areas of improvement within the organization. You can view and download your team members responses in PDF and Excel formats.

In the Weekly Pulse tab:

  • Individual employee responses to a weekly pulse
  • All employees’ responses to a question
  • All responses of an employee to each question from the Response History
  • All the employees' responses for a weekly pulse (only in Excel format)

In the Manage Questions tab:

  • All the employees' responses to a question

Learn more in View and download team pulse responses.

4.3. Initiate conversation

You can view your team’s responses and initiate a conversation by adding comments to any question if you want to discuss on your team members responses.

Navigate to Team Pulse > Weekly Pulse.

Click the Filter Filter-4 Icon and select the team in the Select Team drop-down as required.

Select the employee and click a question. Learn more in Initiate a conversation in team pulse.

5. Inbox

The inbox includes all the conversations that you are a part of, which helps streamline communication and makes it easier for you to stay informed and collaborate effectively. You receive inbox notifications when the admins and your team members initiate a conversation on your review.

You can view all the comments that employees and admins add to the questions, add comments and add other employees as participants in the conversation. Learn more in Inbox in team pulse.

6. Reports

The reports visually represent the statistical summary of your team members submission responses and your reviews. It includes:

  • Your teams’ response rate
  • Your review rate

You can filter the reports based on the period and team.

Navigate to Team Pulse > Reports.

Click the Filter Filter-4 Icon and select the team in the View By drop-down.

6.1. View response and review rate

The response and review rate provide insights into how frequently employees respond to team pulse and how promptly you review their responses.

You can view the response and review rate based on the period and the team.

Navigate to Team Pulse > Reports.

Click View Details to view the Response & Review Rate.

Set the period and team from the drop-down as required.

Learn more in View team pulse reports.

6.2. Nudge

The admins can nudge you for low review rates. You receive an email notification when the admin nudges you to submit your review.

You can nudge the employees for low submission rates.

Learn more in Nudge team members in team pulse.

6.3. Question-level reports

The reports will be generated based on the question type. You can generate reports based on the period and the team. Learn more in View team pulse reports.

You can remove the generated report.

Click the Overflow menu1 Menu at the top right of the generated report of a question and click Remove Report.

6.4. Summarize responses using Marissa AI

Team Pulse module uses artificial intelligence, Marissa AI, to summarize employees’ responses. Once the employees submit their responses, you can use Marissa, which compiles the information and produces summarized responses, making it easier to understand the overall employees’ responses.

After generating a report, click Summarize at the top right of the generated report to get the summarized responses.

Note: Marissa AI can summarize responses only for the open-ended question type.

Regularly reviewing your team members responses empowers you by strengthening your communication with them, gaining their valuable insights to identify strengths, weaknesses and develop improvement strategies, leading the organization toward greater success and productivity.

Learn more in the glossary to better understand the key terms of Team Pulse.