Goals user guide for managers

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

          1.1. How does it work

          1.2. User Actions

2. Create a Goal

3. Manage the Goals of employees

          3.1. Edit a Goal

          3.2. Lock or unlock a Goal

          3.3. Change the status of a Goal

          3.4. Manage weights for the Key Results

          3.5. Change the owner and assigner of a Goal

          3.6. View the hierarchy of a Goal

          3.7. Nudge Goal owner

          3.8. Request feedback about a Goal

          3.9. Share feedback about a Goal

          3.10. Publicly praise the Goal owner

          3.11. Clone a Goal

          3.12. Delete a Goal

4. View dashboard widgets

5. Nudge employees without Goals

6. View and export the Goals report

1. Introduction

Goals provide direction and purpose, helping individuals and organizations stay focused and measure progress to achieve success. Goals can be short-term or long-term, defined in a clear and quantifiable format so that progress can be tracked and evaluated. 

Managers guiding their direct reports in Goal setting and achievement can lead to improved performance, job satisfaction, and professional growth.

1.1. How does it work

  1. You create a Goal for your direct reports or an individual Goal.
  2. Fill the Goal details such as Goal period, measurement type, and set visibility.
  3. You can add Key Results to the Goals, if required.
  4. You can assign the Goal to selected employees.
  5. The assignee receives a notification.
  6. The assignee updates their progress to complete the Goal within the Goal period.

1.2. User actions

  • Create a Goal
  • Manage a Goal
  • View dashboard widgets
  • Nudge employees without Goals
  • View and export the Goals report

2. Create a Goal

You can create individual Goals and assign them to your direct reports or other employees. Learn more in Create a Goal for employees.

Navigate to Teams > Goals.

3. Manage the Goals of direct reports

You can manage any Goals of your direct reports and Goals that are assigned by you. You can manage the following actions in a Goal:

  • Edit a Goal
  • Lock or unlock a Goal
  • Change the status of a Goal
  • Manage weights for the Key Results
  • Change the owner and assigner of a Goal
  • View the hierarchy of a Goal
  • Nudge Goal owner
  • Request feedback about a Goal
  • Share feedback about a Goal
  • Publicly praise the Goal owner
  • Clone a Goal
  • Delete a Goal

Navigate to Teams > Goals > My Team Goals.

Learn more in Manage the Goals of employees.

3.1. Edit a Goal

After creating a Goal, you can edit the Goal and the Key Results as required. Learn more in Manage the Goals of employees.

3.2. Lock or unlock a Goal

You can lock or unlock any Goal of your direct reports whenever required. However, you cannot change the Goal details if they are locked. However, the Goal owner and the Goal assigner can unlock it and make changes. Learn more in Manage the Goals of employees.

3.3. Change the status of a Goal

Archiving a Goal will remove the Goal from the active Goal list. Changing the status does not impact the progress of the Goal. It can be activated at any time. Learn more in Manage the Goals of employees.

3.4. Manage weights for the Key Results

Adding weights ensures that each Key Result to the contributing Goal is given the appropriate attention and effort based on importance. Learn more in Manage the Goals of employees.

Note: You can only add weights if Key Results are added with the Goal.

3.5 Change the owner and assigner of a Goal

You can reassign a Goal of your direct report to other employees in the organization. Learn more in Manage the Goals of employees.

3.6. View the hierarchy of a Goal

Viewing the Goals and Key Results hierarchy helps you understand how the Goals are aligned and contribute to other Goals in the organization. Learn more in Manage the Goals of employees.

3.7. Nudge Goal Owner

The nudge is a reminder sent to the Goal owners to take action towards achieving their Goals. Learn more in Manage the Goals of employees.

3.8. Request feedback about a Goal

You can request feedback about a Goal of your direct reports from other employees in the organization. Learn more in Request and share feedback about a Goal.

3.9. Share feedback about a Goal

Sharing feedback about a Goal enables the employees to understand their strengths and areas of development of their Goals. Effective feedback encourages employees to be involved at work. Learn more in Request and share feedback about a Goal.

3.10. Publicly praise the Goal owner

Public praise is a feature that allows employees to give positive feedback to their colleagues or team members for their work or contributions. Learn more in Publicly praise the Goal owner.

3.11. Clone a Goal

Cloning a Goal allows you to copy the Goal details and Key Results and edit them as required. Learn more in Manage the Goals of employees. Learn more in Manage the Goals of employees.

3.12. Delete a Goal

You can delete any Goals of your direct reports. Learn more in Manage the Goals of employees.

Note: Deleting a Goal may impact the progress of dependent Goals, if any.

4. View dashboard widgets

You can view all the activities of your direct reports in the dashboard, such as Goals, Goals Status, Goal Alignment, Goal Progress, Top Categories, and Check-In Health.

In the Goals widget, you can manage the following actions:

    • Members without goals: You can nudge or create a Goal for your direct reports.
    • Total number of goals owned by team: You can view all the Goals of your direct reports.
    • Goals at risk: You can view your direct report’s Goals that are at risk and nudge them to update.

5. Nudge employees without Goals

You can nudge your direct reports to create Goals for themselves and align them with any other Goals. Learn more in Nudge employees without Goals.

Navigate to Teams > Goals > Dashboard.

6. View and export the Goals report

You can view and export all the Goals of your direct reports based on the Goals, Goals Status, Goal Alignment, Goal Progress, Top Categories, and Check-In Health. Learn more in View and export the Goals of employees from the dashboard.

Navigate to Teams > Goals > Dashboard.

Learn more in the glossary to better understand the key terms of Goals.