Performance user guide for managers

Table of contents

1. Introduction

        1.1. How does it work

        1.2. User actions

        1.3. Benefits

2. Overview and manage

3. Review performance

4. Add and manage goals and IDPs

5. Delegate performance reviews

6. Manager review visibility

7. Sign-off performance reviews

8. View review status and past performance

9. View and export review forms

1. Introduction

A performance review is a formal process conducted by an organization to evaluate the employees job performance over a specific period. Its purpose is to provide feedback to the employees, recognize their achievements, and set goals for their improvement.

1.1. How does it work

  • You receive notifications to submit manager review on your direct reports.
  • You submit the manager review.
  • Your manager (skip-level reviewer of your direct reports) evaluates your direct reports (if HR/admins add them to the performance cycle).
  • Your manager can approve, edit, and/or rollback your review based on the HR/admin settings .
  • You have to modify your review if your manager or HR/admins rollback your review.
  • Employees sign-off on their review (if the HR/admins enable the sign-off).
  • You can sign-off the review (if the HR/admins enable the sign-off).

1.2. User actions

You can perform the following actions in performance:

  1. View the employees’ review ratings and comments.
  2. Submit a manager review.
  3. View and export your performance review form.
  4. View review status and past performance of the

If the HR/admins give you access, you can

  • Assign, share, and unassign template.
  • Delegate your review.
  • Invite additional reviewers.
  • Nudge employees and reviewers to submit their reviews.
  • Notify employees and reviewers with pending actions.
  • Enable manager review visibility for employees.
  • Rollback employees and reviewer reviews.
  • Sign off performance review. 

1.3. Benefits

  • Identifying high-potential employees for future leadership roles.
  • Provide training recommendations and development plans for employee growth.
  • Recognize the talents within the team and recommend them for promotion.

2. Overview and manage

You can view the number of team members, pending actions, alerts, and teams’ reviews in the Overview tab.

Navigate to Performance > Overview.

In the PENDING ACTIONS field, you can view the performance pending actions of

  • Your team members
  • Review employees (if you are a delegated and/or additional reviewer)
  • Your sign-off on the reviews

In the ALERTS field, you can view the alerts to share templates and manage review visibility with your team members.

  • In the ALERTS field, click DISMISS to dismiss the alerts.

You can view the dismissed alerts.

  • Click the Overflow Overflow Menu-Oct-11-2023-07-43-45-1628-AM Menu and click Dismissed Alerts.

On the left, you can view the employee’s name.

  • Click the graph to view your and employee’s rating.

On the right, you can view the cycles.

  • Click the My Team drop-down to view your team’s, secondary team’s, entire team’s, and skip-level reviews.
  • Click the cycle to open the review form.
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You can manage the performance cycle in the Manage tab if the HR/admins give you access.

Navigate to Performance > Manage.

In the Manage tab, you can view the Process and Analytics tabs.

In the Process tab, you can view the details of employees added to a cycle, their reporting managers and HR managers, and each stage of the review completion status.

  • Click ACTIONS to perform the following actions if the HR/admins give you access:
    • Delegate review if you move to another team/department or are busy with any project.
    • Assign and share the template with the employees.

Note: You can select the template only when HR/admin pushes it to the library.

    • Unassign the template if any changes are made to the template.

Note: Unassigning the template will delete the review progress of the employees.

    • Rollback employees and reviewer reviews, allowing them to edit their reviews.

Note: You can rollback the review of any participant only after they submit their review.

      • Notify employees and reviewers with their pending actions.
      • Nudge employees and reviewers to submit their reviews.
      • Enable or disable manager’s review visibility for employees.
      • Invite additional reviewers to gather their perspectives on the employees' performance.
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      3. Review performance

      After the employees submit their self-review, you will receive the pending actions on the home page, in-app, and email notifications to complete your review on their performance.

      If the HR/admins enable parallel review, you can review the employees' performance, even before they submit their self-reviews. If the HR/admins enable sequential review, you can review only after the employees submit their self-reviews. You have to submit the review after completing it. Learn more in Review teams members performance.

      4. Add and manage goals and IDPs

      If the HR/admins enable the goals and IDPs integration into the performance review, the employees can add them to their review form. You can evaluate the employee’s performance based on their goals and IDPs. You can also add and manage goals and IDPs on the review form. Learn more in Add and manage team members goals and IDPs.

      After you submit your review, your manager receives the notification to complete their review (if HR/admins added them to the review cycle). After your manager’s approval, the sign-off process initiates.

      5. Delegate performance reviews

      You can delegate your review to anyone in the organization if HR/admins give you access. You can delegate the review for individual and multiple employees. Learn more in Delegate team members performance reviews.

      6. Manager review visibility

      You can enable your review visibility to the employees if the HR/admins give you access. The sign-off process initiates after enabling the manager’s review visibility to the employees if all the participants have completed their reviews. Learn more in Manager review visibility to team members.

      7. Sign-off performance reviews

       Sign-off is the formal approval of the performance review by the employees and other participants (if involved), where everyone acknowledges that the review process is complete. You can sign-off the performance reviews if the HR/admins give you access.

      After your review submission, or after your manager’s review submission (if HR/admins added them to the performance review) on the employee’s performance, the sign-off process initiates

      • If HR/admins enabled your review visibility to the employees
      • If HR/admins enabled sign-off

      Learn more in Sign-off performance reviews for team members.

      8. View review status and past performance

      You can view the ongoing review status of your team, secondary team, entire team, skip-level reviews, and reviews delegated to you and export them.

      You can view the past performance of the employees. Learn more in View review status and past performance of the team members.

      9. View and export performance review forms

      You can view the performance review forms of your team, secondary team, entire team, skip-level reviews, and reviews delegated to you. You can export them as PDF documents for individual and multiple employees. Learn more in View and export performance review forms.

      Performance reviews enable you to evaluate the employees job performance, set clear objectives, and offer training recommendations and development plans for their growth. They provide a platform for talent recognition within the team and recommend them for promotion.

      Performance reviews empower you to drive employee growth and contribute to organizational success. It allows you to identify high-potential employees for future leadership roles.