LXP user guide for employees

Table of contents

  1. Introduction

    1.1. How does it work

    1.2. User actions

  2. View dashboard
  3. Explore and wishlist learning
  4. Self-enroll or unenroll from learning
  5. Start an assigned learning
  6. Register for instructor training
  7. View learning calendar
  8. Write and manage reviews
  9. Download and manage certificates

1. Introduction

Engagedly's Learning Experience Platform (LXP) is a comprehensive platform designed to facilitate continuous learning and skill development within organizations. It offers a dynamic and user-friendly interface for employees who can explore learnings, add them to their wishlist, access them, and progress towards professional development.

If the admin assigns the learning manager’s permission to the employees, they can create and manage course and learning path.

1.1. How does it work

  1. The author assigns learning to you, or you can self-enroll in learning available in the library.
  2. You receive a notification about assigned learning.
  3. You start the learning.
  4. After completing the courses, you can rate and review them (if rating is enabled).
  5. Download your certificate upon completion.

1.2. User actions

You can

  1. Explore and add learning to your wishlist.
  2. Self-enroll in or unenroll from learning (if not assigned by the author).
  3. Start an assigned learning.
  4. Review a completed course (if enabled).
  5. Download the certificate.

2. View dashboard

The dashboard offers valuable insights into your learning progress, allowing you to track your activities.

It provides a comprehensive overview of the following:

  • Course enrollments
  • Time spent in learning
  • Compliance and mandatory courses
  • Active courses that are assigned to you and in which you are enrolled
  • Recommended courses based on the learners’ learning patterns and the learning behavior of similar learners
  • Wishlist

You can view your learning schedule on your calendar. Learn more in View calendar learning.

At the top of the dashboard, click Act now to view your pending actions.

On the dashboard, click View All to view the following:

  • The Active tab displays the learnings that are not started and in progress.
  • The Completed tab displays the learnings you have completed.
  • The My Wishlist tab displays the learnings that you have added to your wishlist for future reference.

You can create and manage courses and learning paths if the admin gives you the learning manager’s permission. After creating learnings, you can assign them to others and track their progress.

Navigate to Learning > Home > Assigned by me.

  1. Select a learning.
  2. Perform the following actions as required:
  • Manage authors
  • Manage learners
  • Evaluate learners (if you enable the After manual evaluation option for course completion)
  • Track their progress
  • View and export reports

Note: If the admin does not give you the learning manager’s permission but allows you to create learning, you cannot assign the learning authored by you. You can view and manage the learners in the Authored by you tab.

3. Explore and wishlist learning

You can explore the courses and learning paths available in the library and add them to your wishlist if you want to enroll at any time. You can filter learnings to explore them. You can also browse the courses and learning paths on other platforms, such as Udemy, Engagedly Academy, and LinkedIn Learning, if your organization has integrated with them. You can enroll in any course on the integrated application, which reflects on the Engagedly platform.

Note: If employees enroll before the integration with LinkedIn Learning and Engagedly, the system will not automatically populate the enrolled courses into the Engagedly platform.

Learn more in Explore and wishlist learning.

4. Self-enroll or unenroll from learning

You can explore and self-enroll in the courses and learning paths available in the library. You can also browse them. You can unenroll from learning at any time if required. Learn more in Self-enroll or unenroll from learning.

5. Start an assigned learning

You can start taking the courses and learning paths assigned to you or if you have enrolled in them.

You can take learnings at intervals as required. After completing each unit, you must mark it as complete. If the author enables review, you can review the course upon completion. Learn more in Start an assigned learning.

When an author assigns you a learning, including the instructor training, you cannot register for it until they add you to it. After the session, they have to change your status from Pending to Attended. This allows you to view the Completed status in a training.

6. Register for instructor training

You can self-enroll in a course with instructor training, or the author can assign it to you.

You receive a pending action when:

  • The author adds instructor training to a course in which you are a learner.
  • The author adds a session to an existing training in which you are an attendee.

Once you start taking the course, you can register for the training session. After registration, the session appears in your calendar.

 Learn more in Register for instructor training.

7. View learning calendar

If the author has set the due date for learning and if you register for a training session, you can view them on your calendar. Learn more in View learning calendar.

8. Add and manage course review

After completing the course, you can write a review. Based on the course settings provided by the author, you can give ratings, comments, or both. You can manage your reviews if required. Learn more in Add and mange course review.

Note: You can provide anonymous feedback to courses.

9. Download and manage certificate

After completing the course, you can view and download the certificate if the author enables it. If you have completed the relevant courses outside the platform, you can also upload the certificates and manage them. Learn more in Download and manage certificate.

The LXP facilitates continuous learning, skill development, and professional growth among employees. It drives their engagement and satisfaction while helping organizations achieve their strategic objectives.

The user guide equips employees with the knowledge to maximize their learning and development within the platform. It provides clear instructions on accessing learning resources and engaging in various learning activities.

Learn more in the glossary to understand the key terms of LXP.